Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer


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Briana's Notes:

This chapter was written mostly by Carissa. While we generally alternate lines, usually we write a couple of blocks of text before the other goes. Generally, I have more text than her, but Maggie chapters tend to be more dominently Carissa's. Maggie is her character, so it makes sense. I'm not sure if the writing preference shows or not, but I felt I should point it out. Carissa needs to get more credit/attention from the fanbase, methinks. =P

Carissa's Notes:

There are no comments from Carissa for this page.

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Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer is ©2005-2024 Briana Higgins and Carissa Palazzo.
No part of Rune Master may be copied/modified without prior, written consent of its rightful owner(s). Also, Hikari owns your soul upon completion of this sentence.