Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer


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Briana's Notes:

Maggie's attire is much more Victorian than most Druden clothing, which tends to be very medieval Western-European. I didn't think about this when Carissa was designing Maggie, so I never corrected it. Instead, I made it so certain coats and skirts are actually common fashion in parts of Primo, especially where Maggie's from. That's the nice thing about creating your own fictional universe: You can pretty much do whatever you want with it.

Carissa's Notes:

Yeeeah. I'm obsessed with Victorian times/fashion/anything. All my fantasy characters dress Victorian-ish...or Slayers-ish... At the time, Briana was still piecing the world together and we were about to make an outline of RM. I decided I wanted to make a rival character who was the complete opposite of Diyero (even gender-wise) and yet someone he could become if he made the wrong choices in life. Then my friend and I saw a picture of Margaret Hamilton and so Maggie was born instead.

  Card Carrying Member of the WAGON Webcomic Battle
Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer is ©2005-2024 Briana Higgins and Carissa Palazzo.
No part of Rune Master may be copied/modified without prior, written consent of its rightful owner(s). Also, Hikari owns your soul upon completion of this sentence.